When threatening weather approaches most of us stay focused on the Weather channel. When the WATCHES turn into WARNINGS we begin to PRAY for God to intervene and spare us!
We are in a WARFARE with satan. He is going to and fro over the earth seeking whom he may devour.
He is attacking marriage, family, and life itself.
It is time for us to fix our hearts on God and call out to Him to fight this battle for us. We cannot turn our backs on what is happening. We must keep our eyes glued on Him as we would the TV as the storm approaches. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the time of trouble.” Psalm 46:1
One candidate was blind and the other was paralyzed. Our Nursing Home Ministry team leader for that nursing home, Victor Cruz, notified me that there were three residents in one of the facilities where he serves that were saved and wanted to be baptized. The staff arranged for the baptisms to happen.
They weren’t ordinary Baptisms. There was no beautiful church but a small whirlpool therapy room. There was no baptistry with a stain glass river scene in the back ground- just a background of physical therapy instruments. A small number of staff, friends and/or family members crowded into a small room. I shared a brief message on Baptism from Romans 6:1-6. The blind candidate’s room mate at the nursing home began singing “Amazing Grace” and all of us joined him and the new Christian was baptized in the whirlpool.
The next candidate was paralyzed and had to be lifted by a swing lift. As the whirlpool was refilled with water the Activities Director, the Chaplain, a Pastor, and others began to sing “Oh The Blood of Jesus”. I’m sure there were only four of five crowded in that little room but I know there was a choir that joined that little band of singers. While the room wasn’t the brightest lit room, I am positive the room became radiant. As the candidate was lowered into the water the question came to me. Why the beautiful choir? Why the brilliant light that suddenly illumined the room? It was no one there that merited such a magnificent audience in that small whirlpool therapy room in a nursing home tucked away in South Mississippi- or was it?